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The Will of William Crumpelher [1614]

The Will of William Crumpelher [1614]

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The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 1
The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 1
1. In the name of god Amen
2. the sixth day of Aprill in the yeares of the reigne
3. of our Sov[er]aigne Lord James by the grace
4. of god of England France and Ireland
5. Kinge defender of the faith etc the twelfe and
6. of Scotland the seaven and fortieth Anno D[om]ini
7. one thowsand six hundred and fourteene I Will[ia]m
8. Crumpleher of Winterborne Kingston in the
9. Countie of Dors[e]t yeoman beinge sicke in body
10. but of good and p[er]fect remembrance thanks be
11. given unto almightie god doe make my last
12. will and testament in mann[er] and forme following
13. first I Comitt my soule unto Almightie god
14. my creator and redeemer by whose death
15. and passion I hope to be saved and my bodey
16. to be buried in the Church litten [Note 1] of Kingston
17. aforesaid as neere unto the place as my father
18. was buried as may bee Item I give unto
19. the rep[ar]ac[i]ons of my p[ar]ish Church of Kingston
20. five shillings. Item I give unto Will[ia]m
21. Joeyleife, George Gould, Prudence Crumpleher
22. and Margarett Fryers my Children’s children
23. to eyther of them a sheepe being hogg[es] Item my
24. will is that my wife Edith Crumpleher shall have
25. the use and p[ro]fitt of halfe of all my errable
26. land lyinge within the three com[m]on feilds of
27. Kingston afores[ai]d togeather with all the appurtenanc[es]
28. thereunto belonginge and the Comoditie and p[ro]fitt
29. of the fowerth p[ar]te of all my severall ground[es]
30. and meadowe ground[es], and halfe the p[ro]fitt of the
31. orchard, garden and all other necessarie comodities
32. with sufficient howse roome bothe within dores and
33. without to laye her Corne and hay in and
34. howse roome to lye her beasts in, and the use and
35. occupation of halfe of all my goods both within
36. dores and without, bothe Corne as well within
37. dores as in the barne, and likewise halfe my
38. Corne in the fields; and halfe my beasts and
39. sheepe to be enioyed by her duringe her life
40. payinge the fowerth p[ar]te of duties rent[es] and
41. rep[ar]ac[i]ons what soever during her life, And after
42. her decease all the said goods and Cattels that
43. my s[ai]d wife shall have the use and occupac[i]on of by
44. vertue of this my will shall remayne unto my
45. sonne John Crumpleher if he be livinge except

Note 1: Line 16: litten = church yard
The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 2
The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 2
1. except some beddinge which she may dispose at her will
2. and pleasure and after the death of the s[ai]d Edith my
3. wife my will is that my sonne Richard Crumpelher shall
4. have the one halfe of my livinge accordinge unto
5. my former graunt made unto him under my hand
6. in writinge, Item my will is that my said sonne
7. Richard Crumpelher shall presently after my
8. decease have and possesse halfe of all my sev[er]all
9. ground[es] and halfe of all my meadowe ground[es]
10. duringe his mothers life payinge for the same six
11. pound[es] yearely unto my sonne John Crumpelher And
13. that the said Richard Crumpelher shall pay two
14. yeares rent aforehand for the two first yeares
15. and aferwards to paye the s[ai]d six pound[es] halfe yearely
16. by even porc]i]ons Item my will is that my sonne
17. John Crumpelher shall have p[rese]ntely after my death
18. the other halfe of my errable ground lyinge in the
19. three Com[m]on feilds of Kingston duringe his mothers
20. life withall the appurtenanc[es] thereunto belonginge
21. and alsoe the use and p[ro]fitt of the fowerth p[ar]te of all my
22. sev[er]all ground[es], and meadowes, and all the rent of
23. six pound[es] yearely for the other half of the said
24. sev[er]all ground[es] and meadowes which his brother
25. Richard Crumpelher is to pay him as I have before
26. sett downe and appoynted duringe theire mothers
27. life the s[ai]d John Crumpelher payinge thother three
28. p[ar]t[es] of all duties, rent[es], and rep[ar]ac[i]ons against his
29. mother duringe her life; And besides that my sonne
30. John Crumpelher shall have sufficient howse roome
31. as well within dores as without bothe barne, stable
32. and other howsing[es] fitt for his use and halfe the
33. orchard and garden, against his mother duringe
34. his said mothers life; And after her death of the
35. s[ai]d Edith my wife I give and bequeath unto
36. my s[ai]d sonne John Crumpelher thother halfe of my
37. Farme withall the appurtenanc[es] thereunto belonginge
38. to be emioyed by him and his assignes against his
39. brother Richard Crumpelher for by and duringe the
40. whole time and terme of my lease in as large
41. and ample manner as is in the s[ai]d lease specified
42. duringe payinge and p[er]forminge all covenant[es] therein
43. conteyned and payinge halfe of all rent[es], duties, and
44. other payment[es], whatsoev[er] and in repayringe of halfe
45. of all the howsing[es] and hedging[es] upon the same; And
46. Alsoe payinge after my s[ai]d wives death six and
47 twentie shilling[es] and eight pence yearely unto
48. my daughter Christian Joyleife or unto such as I
49. have appoynted already to recave same to her use
The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 3
The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 3
1. duringe her life and after her death to make stock[es]
2. for the Children borne of her bodie the s[ai]d six and
3. twentie shilling[es] and eight pence to be paied
4, quarterly duringe the s[ai]d [Chris]tian Joyliefes life
5. and the life of Richard Crumpelher and the
6. longest liver of them Item I give unto my sonne
7. John Crumpelher my furnis pann provided alwaies
8. that my wife and Richard Crumpelher his brother
9. shall have the use of him to brewe in duringe
10. theire lives and if Richard Crumpelher doe
11. fortune to overlive his Brother John Crumpelher
12. that then my will is that the s[ai]d furnis pann
13. shall remayne unto his brother Richard Crumpelher
14. The residue of all my good[es] not before given
15. nor bequeathed my debt[es] and legacies beinge
16. first paied I give and bequeath unto my
17. sonne John Crumpelher whom I make my
18. whole executor of this my last will and
19. Testament for divers causes and thereunto
20. movinge and especially for that the s[ai]d John
21. Crumpelher and his assignes shall duringe my
22. wives life be att all charges for the ploughinge
23. of her grounde and Carryinge in her corne and
24. hey and carryinge all such fryth [Note 1] and fier wood
25. as she shall have occation to use at his and
26. theire owne cost[es] and charges without payinge
27. any thinge for the same; Item my will is
28. that my sonne Richard Crumpelher shall have
29. the use of halfe the p[ar]sonage of Winterborne
30. Kingston and my sonne Will[ia]m Crumpelher and
31. John Crumpelher the use of thother hafe for
32. these six yeares from and after Midsomer day
33. next, doeinge, payinge and p[er]forming all such
34. covenant[es] as shalbe in a lease expressed which is
35. to be graunted unto them by John Foyle of
36. Shaf[ts]bury gen[tleman] and for the lower roomes of
37. the dwellinge howse my will is that my sonne
38. Richard Crumpleher shall have the use of them
39. wholly to himselfe and the loft[es] to remayne in
40. Com[m]on amongest them all three to lay theire corne
41. in duringe the whole terme and that my sonne
42. Richard shall have the use and p[ro]fitt of all the little
43. garden at the east end of the dwellinge howse and
44. three goade [Note 2] square of ground more lyinge in the south
45. side of the dwellinge howse next peaceably
46. wholly to his owne use hidginge it at his owne cost and
47. Charges; Will[ia]m Crumpelher his marke / witnes
48. hereunto Huberte Gallton John Gallton Richard
49. Crumpelher his m[ar]ke Thomas Strangwaies

Note 1: Line 24: fryth = frith = brushwood

Note 2: Line 44: From the OED –

Goad, n.

3. A measure of length.
a. A cloth-measure = 4 feet. Obs.

1481 Howard Househ. Bks. (Roxb.) 17 My Lord schal haue of hym iiij.c goodes off white..and my Lord schal pay him for euery goode, ix.d.
1552 Act 5 & 6 Edw VI, c. 6 §1 Cottonnes called Manchester..and Chesshire Cottonnes..shalbe in lenghe twentie two goades and conteyne in bredith thre quarters of a yarde in the water.
1674 S. JEAKE Arith. (1696) 65 In 1 Goad..4 Feet, a Measure in some places for Land and Cloth received by Custom.
1721 C. KING Brit. Merch. I. 181, 1200 C. Goads of Cotton.
1727 W. MATHER Yng. Man's Comp. 399 In London, the Yard is used for Silks, Woollen Cloth, &c. The Ell for Linnen Cloth, &c., and the Goad for Frizes, Cotton, and the like.

b. A land-measure (see quots. and cf. GAD 6).

1587 FLEMING Contn. Holinshed III. 1353/1 The space of fortie goad (euerie goad conteining fifteene foot).
1880 E. Cornw. Gloss. s.v., It represents nine feet, and two goads square is called a yard of ground.

The Gad 6 entry says:

Gad, n.

6. A measuring rod for land; hence, a measure of length differing in various districts. Cf. GOAD n.

c1440 Promp. Parv. 184/1 Gad, to mete wythe londe (P. gadde, or rodde), decempeda.
1502 ARNOLDE Chron. (1811) 173 In dyuers odur placis in this lande they mete ground by pollis gaddis and roddis some be of xviij. foote some of xx fote and som xvi fote in lengith.
1599 SKENE De Verb. Sign. s.v. Particata, Ane rod is ane staffe, or gade of tymmer, quhairwith land is measured.
1706 PHILLIPS (ed. Kersey), Gad, or Geometrical Pearch, a Measure of Ten Foot, and in some places but Nine Foot.

b. A division of an open pasture, in Lincolnshire usually 6 feet wide; = SWATH.

1593 Kirton-in-Lindsey Court Roll (N.W. Linc. Gloss.).
1717 N. Riding Rec. VII. 285, I am seized of..four gads in the Bishop Ings.
1794 Act Inclos. S. Kelsey 19 Owners and Proprietors of Gads in a certain Piece of Ground..each Gad being Two Roods, Two Perches and a Half.

The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 4
The Will of William Crumpelher [1614] - Page 4
The probate section is in Latin. A translation is:

"The before written testament of William Crumpelher of Winterborne Kingston deceased was proved before the reverend Sir John Gordon Doctor of Theology Dean of the Cathedral church of Salisbury on the thirteenth day of the month of May AD 1614. There was granted etc to the executors named in the same sworn in the lawful form etc Saving the rights of anyone etc.

[in the margin:]
Value of the Inventory £127 12s. 4d."
Original Will - William Crumplehere - 1614 (Front)
Original Will - William Crumplehere - 1614 (Front)
[This document is severely damaged at the top left corner]

[In the name] of God Amen the sixth day of Aprill in the yeares of the Reygne of our

..... [damaged] [Ja]mes by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland kinge defender of the

..... [damaged] twelfe and of Scotland the seaven and fortieth Anno d[omi]ni one thowsand six hundred

..... [damaged] ....teen I William Crumpleher of Winterborne Kingston in the Countie of Dors[e]t yeoman being

..... [damaged] bodie but of good and p[er]fect remembrance thank[es] be given into Allmightie god do make my

..... [damaged] will and testament in mann[er] and forme followinge First I Com[m]itt my soule unto allmightie god

..... [damaged] [c]reator and redeemer by whose death and passion I hope to be saved and my bodie to be buried in

[the chu]rch litten of Kingston aforesaid as neere unto the place as my father was buried in as may be

..... [damaged] unto the rep[ar]ac[i]ons of my p[ar]ish Church of Kingston five shilling[es]. Item I give unto william

..... [damaged] George Goold . Prudence Crumpleher and Margarett Friers my Childrens Children to eyther

[of t]hem a sheepe beinge hogg[es]. Item my will is that my wife Edith Crumpleher shall have the use and

[pro]fitt of halfe of all my errable land lyinge within the three Com[m]on feild[es] of Kingston aforesaid

togeather with all the appurtenances thereunto belonginge. And the Com[m]oditie and p[ro]fitt of the fowerth

p[ar]te of all my sev[er]all ground[es] and meadowe ground[es] and halfe the p[ro]fitt of the orchard, garden and all

other necessary Com[m]odities . with sufficient howse roome both within dores and without to laye her Corne

and hay in and howse roome to lie her beast[es] in . and the use and occupac[i]on of halfe of all my good[es]

both within dores and without, both Corne aswell within dores as in the barne and likewise halfe my

Corne in the feyld[es] . and halfe my beast[es] and sheepe to be inioyed by her duringe her life payinge the fowerth

p[ar]te of duties rent[es] and rep[ar]ac[i]ons whatsoev[er] duringe her life. And after her decease all the said good[es]

and Cattell[es] that my said wife shall have the use and occupac[i]on of vertue of this my will shall

remayne unto my sonne John Crumpelher yf he be livinge except some beddinge which shee may

dispose at her pleasure. And after the death of the said Edith my wife my will is that my

sonne Richard Crumpelher shall have the one halfe of my livinge accordinge unto my former graunt

made unto him under my hand in writinge Item my will ^is that my said sonne Richard Crumpelher

shall pr[e]sently after my decease have and possesse halfe of all my sev[er]all and halfe of all my meadowe

[grou]nd[es] duringe his mothers life payinge for the same six pound[es] yearly unto my sonne John Crumpelher

Original Will - William Crumplehere - 1614 (Reverse)
Original Will - William Crumplehere - 1614 (Reverse)
[Top and right hand side of document severely damaged]

1. ….. [damaged] my good[es] [n]ot before g….. [damaged]
2. ….. [damaged] [an] bequeath unto my sonne ….. [damaged]
3. ….. [damaged] this my last [wi]ll and te[st]ament for ….. [damaged]
4. for that the said John Crumpelher and h….. [damaged]
5. charges for the plowinge of her ground and Carryinge ….. [damaged]
6. all such fryth and fier wood as she shall have occation to use at ….. [damaged]
7. charges without payinge any thinge for the same Item my will ….. [damaged]
8. Crumpelher shall have the use of halfe the p[ar]sonage of winterb[orne] ….. [damaged]
9. william Crumpelher and John Crumpelher the use of thother halfe ….. [damaged]
10. from and after Midsom[m]er day next doinge and payinge and p[er]forming….. [damaged]
11. as shalbe in a lease expressed which is to be graunted unto them by Joh[n] ….. [damaged]
12. gentleman and for the lower roomes of the dwellinge howse my will is ….. [damaged]
13. Crumpelher shall have the use of them wholly to himselfe and the loft….. [damaged]
14. emongest them all three to leay there corne in duringe the wh….. [damaged]
15. Richard shall have the use and p[ro]fitt of all the littell garde[n] ….. [damaged]
16. house and three goad square more of ground lyinge in the south….. [damaged]
17. next peperalley wholly to his owne use hidginge it at his owne cost ….. [damaged]
18. Crumpelher his marke witnes herunto Huberte Galton John Gal[ton] ….. [damaged]

19. his marke Thomas Strangwaies./.

20. Probatu[m] Coram ….. [damaged]

21. decimo tertio die m[ensis] ….. [damaged]

22. d[omi]ni 1614 Comissaq[ue] fui[t] ….. [damaged]

23. iurat[o] &c Salvo iura….. [damaged]
William Crumpler - Inventory of Goods and Chattels - 1614
William Crumpler - Inventory of Goods and Chattels - 1614
1. An Inventorye of all the good[es] and Cattells of
2. W[illia]m Crumpelher th[e ]elder of Winterborne Kingston
3. in the count[i]e of Dorset yoeman late deceased
4. taken the xxixth daye of Aprill in the yeres
5. of the Reynge of o[ur] Souv[er]eynge lord James by
6. the grace of god of England Fraunce &
7. Ireland kinge defender of the Fayethe &c
8. the xijth and of Scotland the xlvij A[nn]o D[o]mini
9. 1614. And pr[?]fyser by Hubert Galton
10. John Galton Rycherd Crumpelher and
11. W[illia]m Crumpellher the younger as followeth/
In the Halle
12. Impr[im]is A Table bord w[i]th a Frame and
13. benches next the wal[?] & a Forme
14. It[e]m a Cobord_______________________
15. It[e]m a great Chest__________________
16. It[e]m three Chayers__________________
17. It[e]m a muskett fur[?]_______________
18. It[e]m ij payer of Iron cotterells [Note 1] ij payer
19. of Andirons ij payer of tong[es] j broche [Note 2]
20. ij payers of potthokes [Note 3] j Iron barr j payer
21. of brandes [Note 4], a pyderon[?] & a Flechok
22. It[e]m three brasse pottes & a brasse skillet____
23. It[em] three byttells & ij skyllett[es]__________
24. It[e]m xij pewter platters & potengers j
25. basen of pewter iiij candellstickes two
26. salt cellers w[i]th co[?] a morter w[i]th
27. pestell & a pewter potage dyshe
) xs
xiijs iiijd
vjs viijd
) xiijs iiijd
xiijs iiijd
) xxs
In the chanber next the streetdore
28. Item A new bed stede w[i]th tester & j paynted
29. clothe about him. A Fetherbed A tester
30. bolster w[i]th three pillowes of Fethers
31. A bed cov[er]let & three blanckett[es]
32. It[e]m A lytell coffer w[i]th A lytell borde_______
) ls [?]
In the chamber w[i]thin that chamber
33. It[e]m two bedsted[es] a cov[er]let a bolster
34. and a payer of blancketts
) xs
In the chamber ov[er] the hale
35. It[e]m] A Standinge bedsted w[i]th a matt
36. ij Fether bolsters, a payer of blanckett[es]
37. & ij Cov[er]lett[es] A lytell chest ij Coffers
38. and a lytell box
) iijli
In the new chamber
39. It[e]m A bed iij bolsters A payer of
40. blankett[es] a matt & ij Cov[er]lett[es]
) Ls
In the Butterye
41. ….. [damaged] A keave a Syv[e] ….. [damaged] …lt pigg[es] in v
42. ….. [damaged] …lls & a horse v a… ….. [damaged]
43. ….. [damaged] a fryinge pa[n] ….. [damaged]
44. ….. [damaged] …nge geare a chopping knyef & …..
) ….. [damaged]
In the Kytchyne
45. ….. [damaged] ij trendles ij co….. [damaged] reng[es]
46. ..... [damaged] .....ate horse a mouldinge bord
47. ….. [damaged] a wenowinge sheet vj sack[es]
48. ….. [damaged] …ll a pecke a ….. [damaged] iiij
49. ….. [damaged] a brake a cheste steyn[d]
50. I[te]m ….. [damaged] furnes pan….. [damaged]
) xxxiijs iiijd
xiijs iiijd
Cattell & other thing[es] w[i]thout dore
51. It[e]m two horses
52. It[e]m two keyne two younge heyfers
53. two younge bullock[es] & a wenlynge calfe
54. It[e]m xvj Sheep and x . lam[m]es
55. It[e]m three pygg[es]
56. It[e]m xiiij acres of wheat on the ground
57. It[e]m xv acres of barlye on the ground
58. It[e]m wheat in the barne
59. It[e]m xvj bushells of Mault
60. It[e]m heye in the Reke
61. It[e]m A Carte . a Sull [Note 5] w[i]th a culter [Note 6] &
62. Fyve eythes [Note 7]
63. It[e]m two payer of Carte harnes ij
64. payer of ploughe harnes a payer of
65. Iron Crokes [Note 8] & harnes for an under
66. horse a corne rope & one wood rope
67. It[e]m two hundred of Read
68. It[e]m v . corne pykes [Note 9]iij shovells j
69. Spade. a dunge pyke A picke axe a
70. willowe an axe amd hoke w[i]th
71. a payer of Cuffes
72. It[e]m two payer of weyes for the ploughe
73. w[i]th j longe iron chayne & ij shortchaynes
74. It[e]m A well bucket w[i]th an Iron
75. chayne a troughe & a iron Range
76. It[e]m wood about the howse
77. It[e]m iiij payer of Sheet[es] ij bord clothes
78. iiij table napkens & ij pylotyes
79. It[e]m his wearinge Apparell
80. It[e]m ij payer of iron voters ij ladders
81. and one horsblocke
82. It[e]m two Flytches of bacon
83. It[e]m the Lease of his lyvinge
84. Sum[m]a tot[alis]
) xli
) Liijs iiijd
) xs
xiijs iiiijd
) xs
) vjs viijd
) iiijs
) iijl vjs viijd
) vs
Cxxvijl xijs iiijd
[Some Latin Here]
Huberte Galton
John Galton
Richard [Note 10] Crumplehere
1. A trammel, crane, or bar, from which a pot or kettle is hung over a fire. Southern dial. [OED]
2. broche = broch, a large jug.
1679 BLOUNT Anc. Tenures 51 One iron Broch, which was a great Pot or Jug to carry Liquid things. [OED]
3. potthoke – pothook = A hook suspended over a fireplace on which a pot or kettle may be hung. Also: a metal rod (usually curved) with a hook at the end, for lifting a heated pot, stove-lid, etc. [OED]
4. brand – possibly An iron instrument for making marks by burning [OED]
5. sull = plough [OED]
6. culter - coulter, colter = The iron blade fixed in front of the share in a plough; it makes a vertical cut in the soil, which is then sliced horizontally by the share. [OED]
7. eythe = harrow [OED]
8. croke - crook = 1. An instrument, weapon, or tool of hooked form; a hook. spec. a. A reaping-hook, sickle; b. A hook for grappling or catching; c. A hook or bent iron on which anything is hung; e.g. one of the iron hooks on which a gate hangs: esp. in 'crooks and bands' (see BAND n.1 3); a hook in a chimney for hanging a pot or kettle on, a pot-hook; hence phr. as black as the crook (Sc.). [OED]
9. corne pyke - corn-pike = pitch-fork [OED]
10. There is a mark resembling a modern R between the words Richard and Crumpelhere.

Linked to William Crumpler